Imagine if you lost your smile because of missing teeth; how would it have impacted your self-esteem? Along with psychological strain, you’ll probably suffer from dental pain. Restorative dentistry restores your oral health and improves your smile’s appearance. It aids in chewing function and helps you speak normally. Also, it will increase the probability of future dental problems and general health issues.
Studies have shown a 95% success rate of restorative dental treatments and improved the lives of many. In this article, we’ll discuss different types of restorative dentistry treatment options that you might need. It’s better to be well-informed and deal with your dental issues proactively. So, let’s get started.
Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on replacing or repairing damaged teeth. It restores tooth functionality and structure and aids in other oral health benefits. The top benefits of restorative dentistry include the following:
You may need restorative treatment if you have the following:
When you have missing teeth, it can affect your bite function and cause adjacent teeth to shift. Similarly, there are problems with broken or damaged teeth. These include increased sensitivity, toothache, gum disease, tooth grinding, and so on. Why not get rid of these problems if you have them right now? Restorative dentistry offers you a variety of treatment options that are discussed below.
If you have holes in your tooth due to decay, a dental filling can help restore it. Dental fillings replace decayed portions of the tooth so they can prevent future cavity formation. Also, it allows the patient to enjoy his food without any trouble.
If you have missing teeth and want a cost-effective way to restore them, dentures can help. Today, many types of dentures are there to assist patients. Some of these include partial dentures, fixed dentures, removable dentures, and so on. Dentures make it easy to chew on food and also aid during speech.
When a tooth is severely decayed, a dental filling might not help. The patient has to undergo root canal therapy to eliminate painful toothache and other associated symptoms. This therapy helps eliminate bacteria from the infected tooth root. Also, it provides added strength by placing a crown on the affected tooth.
A dental bridge can be placed when you have a single missing tooth or a row of missing teeth. The dental bridge consists of artificial teeth that help replace missing teeth and normalizes the bite. The bridge has dental crowns on either side to aid chewing.
A dental crown is a restoring device that repairs large cavities or helps replace broken teeth. The crown fits on the entire tooth affected due to decay or infection. It provides excellent strength to the tooth and helps improve the patient’s bite.
Sometimes, a cavity is too big or too small, where a filling or a crown might not help. In such circumstances, inlays and onlays fit the natural tooth structure. These customized restorations are permanently bonded into place and provide added strength to the tooth.
If you have a missing tooth, you can also consider choosing implants. If due, for some reason, crowns, bridges, or dentures are not an option for you; implants are still there. Implants provide a permanent solution for oral health needs and function like natural teeth.
When you have missing or damaged teeth, they impair your chewing and speaking capability. They might also cause you psychological distress and make you feel unworthy. But now, you can easily avail yourself of restorative dental treatments depending on your need. Visit your dentist for further discussion regarding restoring your oral health.
Contact your dentist in Fairfield, Dr. Zhu at Freedom Dental, to learn about restorative dentistry and types of treatments.