Imagine if you lost your smile because of missing teeth; how would it have impacted your self-esteem? Along with psychological strain, you’ll probably suffer from dental pain. Restorative dentistry restores your oral health and improves your smile’s appearance. It aids in chewing function and helps you speak normally. Also, it will increase the probability of […]
Scaling and root planing is a treatment for gum disease that consists of a thorough cleaning below the gumline. While scaling eliminates plaque and tartar from below the gum line, root planing aims to smooth the tooth’s root and facilitate reattachment of the gums to the tooth. Root planing is essential for having healthy gums […]
Do you only visit your dentist when you have a toothache or other dental problem? Did you know this could cost you money or time in the long run? The benefits of preventive dentistry not only save you money, but you can also prevent many dental issues even before they emerge. Potential issues can be […]