There are some situations that necessitate the pulling of a damaged or otherwise problematic tooth. Though no one wants to think about the prospect of having a tooth pulled, there might come a time when there are simply no other options. Thankfully, modern-day tooth extractions are not as painful as those of yesteryear. The question is when, exactly, is the dentist justified in extracting a tooth? Let’s take a look at the many reasons why it might make sense to pull a tooth.
If your tooth is damaged to the point that repair is impossible, it will only continue to decay and worsen as time progresses. This is the perfect example of a situation in which it makes sense to pull the tooth. If the dentist determines decay has moved all the way to the middle portion of the tooth referred to as the pulp, the bacteria will eventually cause infection. It might be possible for a root canal procedure to treat the infected portion of the tooth. However, if the tooth infection proves severe, an extraction will likely be necessary to prevent the decay from spreading.
When a tooth is blocked from emerging, it is impacted. Impaction also occurs when the gums do not completely erupt and stop the tooth from emerging. The dentist might advise that the impacted tooth be extracted so it does not damage neighboring teeth. Furthermore, the extraction of an impacted tooth can also reduce the chances of overcrowding and infection.
Periodontal disease is best described as an infection of the gums and the additional structure around the teeth. Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease. If periodontal disease progresses, it has the potential to compromise the alveolar bone as well as periodontal ligaments. Unfortunately, periodontal disease can cause teeth to loosen. If this occurs, teeth extraction is a viable option. Whether you can benefit from a tooth extraction or periodontal therapy, our dental team is here to help.
If your teeth overcrowd in your mouth, it might be necessary to extract one or several to prevent additional damage. Extraction is also advised when patients need orthodontic treatment and there is insufficient space for the teeth to move and subsequently realign. If there is not enough room to straighten the teeth alignment, extraction will be necessary.
If you are involved in a car accident, injured when playing sports or involved in another violent collision, you will likely require dental treatment. Extraction might prove necessary if treatment and restorations cannot preserve the damaged tooth or teeth. However, the dentist will explore all options including veneers, bridges, dental bonding and crowns before extracting a tooth. Extraction is the last resort for treating accident victims, those with damaged teeth and patients with other oral health challenges.
Some teeth reach the point at which they are no longer of use in the mouth. If wisdom teeth are causing issues, there is no reason to save them. This is the perfect example of a situation in which it makes sense to extract a useless tooth. Meet with our dentist to review your oral health and determine whether your wisdom teeth or other teeth still serve a purpose in your mouth or whether it is prudent to perform an extraction.
When the subject of tooth extraction1 is raised, most people envision tying one end of a string to a tooth and the other to a door handle. Nowadays, pulling a tooth is nearly painless. The dentist might use local anesthesia to keep your calm and painless during the extraction.
If the tooth cannot be accessed with ease, a surgical extraction will be necessary. Surgical extraction procedures are also necessary when the tooth does not fully erupt or when the tooth is broken below the gum line. The dentist will carefully make an incision to lift the soft tissues that cover the tooth. It might be necessary to split the tooth into several pieces to help with removal. Once the tooth is extracted, a blood clot forms within the socket void. The dentist applies gauze to the socket to stop additional bleeding. If necessary, a couple stitches will be added to cover the extraction.
Once the tooth is extracted, you will be provided with painkillers to numb the discomfort in the hours and days to follow. The dentist will also provide you with written instructions to follow down to the very last detail. Take it easy for a couple days after the extraction, stick to a diet of soft foods, follow the instructions provided by your dentist, do not rinse/spit for 24 hours and your mouth will be back to normal in a reasonable amount of time.
If you have an aching tooth or have not been to the dentist in the past six months, we are here to help. If necessary, we will perform a tooth extraction. Reach out to our dental team at (707) 416-0626 to schedule an appointment2.