Dental implants have reached a mainstream tipping point in little time. This advancement in dental technology replaces natural teeth with artificial ones that look and function just like regular teeth. Though the dental implant procedure takes some time, it is worth it as the patient is provided with a fake tooth that looks real, chews through food like a normal tooth and can be cleaned with ease.
Dental implants are best thought of as the dental industry’s attempt to replicate a natural tooth. Dental implants are comprised of three main components: the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The implant is actually a screw that functions as a root for the new fake tooth. The implant is what connects to the jaw bone. The abutment is a permanent connecting piece that provides support for one or several teeth. The dentist has the ability to remove the abutment if necessary.
The crown is the final component of the dental implant. Also known as a prosthetic tooth, this part is the portion of the fake tooth visible to onlookers. Dental implant crowns are typically comprised of porcelain or zirconium as these materials look appealing to the eye and prove quite durable.
Dental implants are used to replace single teeth as well as multiple teeth. In fact, some patients have dental implants across the entire upper and/or lower rows of the mouth. If you lost a tooth or several teeth or have a tooth with considerable damage, meet with your dentist as soon as possible to discuss dental implants. These artificial teeth look like actual teeth and prove just as sturdy thanks to the process known as osseointegration. The dentist connects the dental implant to the jaw bone with a titanium rod. This strong connection ensures the dental implant remains in place during chewing, brushing, etc. The process of osseointegration can take upwards of six months to complete.
Once the dental implant’s foundation is set, the replacement tooth is connected and capped with a crown that can withstand considerable force. If you challenge your friends and family to pick out the dental implant in your mouth, they might not be able to pinpoint it! Your dental implant really will blend in that well with the rest of your teeth. Perhaps more importantly, the dental implant will feel exactly like a regular tooth as you eat, drink, talk, brush, floss and so on.
Dental implant1 technology has advanced to the point that these artificial teeth are now incredibly strong and durable. Once the process of osseointegration is complete and your dental implant is in place, you will have no worries as long as you continue to perform a thorough cleaning of your mouth on a daily basis. There is a chance your dental implants will require slight adjustments every now and then yet they will remain formidable for upwards of a decade, several decades or even the remainder of your life.
Patients who opt for dentures as a tooth replacement solution have the option of detachment yet this is not an advantage over dental implants. Minimal effort is required to maintain dental implants. There is no need to bother with the hassle of removing dentures when your dental implant is permanently placed in your mouth for upwards of the next decade or longer. Continue to floss and brush two times each day at a minimum and maintaining your dental implant will prove quite easy.
Dental implants are also favored overdentures as there is no risk of the implant slipping when talking, yawning, laughing, coughing, etc. Even a smile has the potential to cause dentures to slip. The better approach is to keep your teeth firmly connected to the gums where they belong. Your dental implants will be permanently affixed to your jaw bone by way of a robust titanium rod so you won’t have to worry about potential slippage.
Facial bone structure plays a large part in how an individual looks and is perceived by others. You need as much natural bone and tissue as possible to retain a natural-looking face with a regular shape. Dental implants are optimal as they maintain natural tooth tissue. There is no need to cut nearby teeth to perform bridgework. Furthermore, dental implants preserve bone in the face and minimize the bone resorption rate. This way, your facial bone won’t deteriorate as quickly so you can retain adequate jaw bone height. Dental implants even assist in restoring the jaw bone’s structure by decreasing the load on the teeth and preserving natural tissue around the teeth.
Ask anyone who uses denture about their impact on speech and you will almost certainly hear a seemingly endless list of complaints. Dental implants are the superior option as they do not negatively impact speech. Dental implants fit naturally with other teeth in the mouth, allowing for perfectly clear communication. This is quite the difference from dentures that commonly cause patients to struggle when attempting to clearly pronounce their words. Opt for dental implants and you won’t feel self-conscious when verbally expressing yourself in front of others. This is the confidence you need to be your true self when at work, parties, restaurants, bars, cafes and other public settings.
Do you have one or several missing teeth? Perhaps you have extensive tooth damage and can benefit from dental implants. Freedom Dental is here to replace your missing or damaged teeth, restore your smile and your confidence. Give us a call at (707) 416-0626 to schedule an appointment2.